Latest tablets – Tablet of the year 2012
|In modern world of technology the worldwide tablet shipments expediently outpaced predictions to attain an amazing record total of 52.5 million units worldwide in the year of 2012. It professionally out pass the previous records world wide.
According to latest stat the tablet market is growing at 75.3 percent year-over-year which is inclined up from 29.9 million units compared to 2011. It had professionally increased by 74.3 percent from the previous year’s total of 30.1 million units. These details confirm by International Data Corporation IDC.
The tablet growth is expected from reputed professionals like IDC tablets research director Tom Mainelli. You can come across new products and experienced a new surprising entrant respectively Microsoft. This resulted sudden consumer interest and ended with robust shipments across the globe.
According to International Data Corporation IDC reports and analysis they convey that Apple registered first place with its iPad of 43.6 percent market share accounting to 22.9 million units shipped. It was also reported that Samsung accounted 263 percent year-on-year growth with shipping of eight million comprising amazing Android and popular Windows 8 tablets reaching of 15.1 percent of the global market. You can also come across Amazon accounting to 11.5 percent of the market resulting to high increase in sales with Kindle tablets ameliorated traction. Apart from this Asus accounted 5.8 percent and eventually Barnes &Noble accounting of 1.9 percent. So according to professional analysis performed by acumen group of suggest that the top five companies of Tablets are respectively Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Asus and finally Barnes & Noble.
The global users are much confused in buying what kinds of tablets hence in solving their problems the professional team members of strongly recommend the top five Tablets namely Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Asus and finally Barnes & Noble to the global users.