Niice – A Search Engine for Designers
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The core members of sincerely appreciate with the efforts of Niice team. Recently Niice has developed a search engine for potent designers with the help of Behance, Dribbble and Designspiration. According to technical members of Niice is a visual search engine to inspire all young designers. They have professionally headlined some cogent list of 20 useful tools and resources for Web designers.
The popular Niice select content from these sources of Behance, Dribbble and Designspiration and exhibits them in a facile consume grid. For instance, if you wish to search for script lettering with colors of black and white then your search ends up like this below.
Similarly searches with elephant of orange color then you obtain following results.
This acumen web app and site marveled by ARMSTRONG & CO in Ireland, exhibiting persuasive subtle creative work throughout its design. They also accurately reveal in the text links what source an image came from. Altogether the technical core members of sincerely applaud and appreciate their acumen work. In conclusion the young designers, app developers and marketers would greatly benefit from Niice. So eventually strongly recommends this app for benefit of global users.
The global users can check it out via the link below and be sure to feed back us what you think in the comments!
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