Latest Medical apps – Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Neurocardiogenic Syncope is used to describe the autonomic responses that may ultimately lead to inappropriate vasodilatation, relative bradycardia, hypotension and collapse. This reflex is a final common pathway of many potential autonomic inputs. It may present as bradycardia and hypotension, hypotension alone, postural orthostatic achycardia syndrome, a psychogenic or a central response cerebral vasoconstriction.

It may be an isolated, explainable event, a recurrent, poorly understood, reflex malignant Neurocardiogenic Syncope or present in storms that ultimately abate. The Neurocardiogenic reflex can be triggered by a severe, viral syndrome or it may be due to an inherited dysautonomic problem.There can be a genetic predisposition and some patients are subject to multiple triggers.

The reflex involves cardiac and great vessel mechanoreceptors and the no dose ganglion.These receptors, now beginning to be understood, modulated in part by prostaglandin, endothelin, EDRF endothelial derived growth factor nitric oxide, adenosine, free radicals and paracrine cell secretions can excite vagal afferents. The vagal afferents provide input to the medulaa, the nucleus tractus solitarii, the cingulated gyrus, and the hypothalamus.
Once stimulated by vagal afferent, the Neurocardiogenic reflex can begin. Excessive sympathetic inhibition that follows causes inordinate and unneeded peripheral vasodilatation. An inappropriate bradycardia may also occur from vagal efferent stimulation and sympathetic inhibition. A negative inotropic effect may ensue with concomitant cerebral vasoconstriction. Central neurologic vasoconstriction may cause syncope without measurable bradycardia or hypotension.
The also conveys about clinical condition which may lead to this reflex.Triggers include emotion, pain,depression, fatigue and sleep deprivation. Triggers that are more worrisome include myocardial ischemia or infarction, aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 
Cortical centers, pain, visual and emotional stimuli, vasopressin,the medullary cardiovascular cortical area, the adrenal glands and cranial nerves stimulation may trigger the response. The spinal cord of unmyelinated and non-myelimnated afferent fibers become involved. The reflex itself may have had an ontologically protective benefit.It is seen in nature frequently the diving reflex, the hibernating reflex, or the play dead reflex. This reflex can allow children who drown and have a cardiac arrest to unexpectedly survive. The reflex on the other hand can cause syncope. The professional is well understood about various effects of Neurocardiogenic Syncope and guides global users as an important medical apps.
