Evernote Hello for iPhone – Gets Passcode Lock & Better Card Scanning


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Appsread.com was quick to identify that Evernote has updated its Hello business contact app for the iPhone with a new potent Passcode lock savor for global users. It has also ameliorated the discreet flash controls for taking photos of business cards and persuasive scanning capabilities. 
Hello first made a progressive entry during the year 2011 and expediently released version 2.0.They introduced new look premium business card scanning. 

The Version 2.1 has recently made a trailblazing entry in the App Store. They have added a minor quality improvement to the discreet address book app. The new look software’s camera savor has the iPhone’s built-in flash controls where it offer users to take photos of glossy cogent cards. This popular Evernote app has ameliorated feature to the business card scanner and expediently optimize performance on the iPhone 4. 

Now the global users can now set a potent Passcode lock which will appear each time the discreet app is opened. It’s a quality touch for global professional users who might be afraid of the privacy of the people in their valid contact list. Evernote app has made another changes where one can easily update the title and organization fields for contacts. 
In Conclusion the core members of appsread.com appreciate the acumen work behind Evernote app. They sincerely recommend this top app for global users. Altogether that’s a win for everybody in the App world, as well as those looking to break free. 
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