Top 3 Mobile Messaging Apps
|It is trailblazing place to locate a wide variety of quality apps is all about Appsread is regarded to be fast growing top apps review site focusing on Web Application Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, and Facebook App Reviews. They are professionally presenting beneficial resources for app developers and marketers. The core members of appsread have listed top 3 Mobile Messaging Apps which is appreciated and popular in this year 2013 for benefit of global users.
Origin of Birthday: April 2009 (mobile app)
Age: 49 months
Service cost: Free
Special abilities: potent text, VoIP, group chats, send videos/photos
Quality powers: cogent emoji, desktop client
Successful User-base: almost 280 million+
Maximum reach: Global
Total Languages supported: 16
High revenues: around $800 million when Microsoft acquired the company in 2011
Origin of Birthday: July 2009
Exact Age: 46 months
Service cost: Free for a year then $0.99 yearly subscription
Potent Comms abilities: text, group chat, share location/photos/audio/video
Unique powers: preloaded on a quality hard key of Nokia Asha 210
Crossed User-base: 200 million+
Maximum reach: 100+ countries
Super hold: Spain
Total Languages supported: 23
Highest reported revenues: $100 million annually
Date of Birth: March 2010
Current Age: 38 months
Cost: Free
Exclusive Comms abilities: text, VoIP, group chats/calls, send photos/audio/video, photo wall
Unique powers: amazing games, stickers/potent emoji, celebrity accounts, Android launcher in the pipeline
Front runner User-base: 90 million
Maximum reach: Global
Super hold: South Korea
Total Languages supported: 13
Highest revenue share: $45 million in 2012
Your Favorites
The meritocracy of appsread members asks following questions to the global users. Which Apps do you use? Is it one of the highlighted here, or do you select a different app? Are your own apps included in App Store’s all-time collections? We would love hearing your feedback in the comments below. Tell us about your own top android apps in the comments.

One Comment
pour moi le meilleure c’est skype, c’est d’ailleur la premiére application que j’installerai dans mon prochain galaxy note 3