Best Android App to Make Notifications More Interesting
|The global Android users get bored of utilizing the same old operating system, and viewing the same boring old notifications. Gracefully, there’s no shortage of various kinds to marvel things up without having to root your phone. The latest app which is popularly known as Floating Notifications (TAFKAFN, if people are following Prince’s logic is actually turning towards Floatifications. Recently the app included a new ticker display choice as well as to reflect its name change.
The app Floatifications has taken inspiration from Facebook’s which has quality chat-head-style interface and apply to realistically any app you wish. The global users can email company staff to add support or include any special features. Basically Floatifications works very well over stock Android in full-screen mode, permitting for uninterrupted access to potent notifications. In case if global user receives SMS while watching YouTube video, tapping on it takes you to normal messaging app for reply. The on-screen notifications are illustrated by floating dots which could be expanded for cogent inspection with one tap. The different icon is utilized for each too, permitting global user to expediently view exactly whether user received an email or a tweet without having to press a button.
The sender’s name is exhibited below the icon if it is an email. The icons could be moved professionally as a group to anywhere on the screen by dragging them at any time. For activating the potent support notifications for third-party apps like Facebook, Twitter, Pocket or any other app the global user could require to enable the app for ‘notification access’, which found in Settings>Security>Notification access.
The above Floatifications app review from appsread is virtually noted by the global audiences. With regard to Appsread they are globally ranked as the top apps review site targeting on Web App Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Game Reviews.
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