Fleksy for iOS 8
|The professional members of Appsread reveal onset of potent software announcements at WWDC this week. The global user might have missed one of the expedient gems to cherish from the popular developer event. The third-party keyboards are professionally going system-wide on iOS. It is excellent news for global users which are similar to kinds of SwiftKey, Swype and Fleksy, as it opens a massive latest market for them.
The members from Fleksy has given a cogent glimpse of what its popular keyboard app looks like on the successful version of Apple’s mobile OS, posting this image to their favorite Twitter account of the app running actively on the iOS 8 APIs, with efficacious message illustrating “Fleksy is already running on iOS 8“.
It was expediently marveled in San Francisco during 2011, Fleksy professionally utilizes what it calls ‘Geometric Intelligence’ to counter sloppy and inefficient typing, suggesting where it actually thinks user meant to hit on the apt keyboard based on potent typing patterns. With this successful theory must assist global users in typing faster.
Fleksy is the best recognized notable third-party keyboard app with a popular iOS footprint, providing services for blind users on the platform since 2012. According to review members of Appsread they recommend this Fleksy for iOS 8 which had an iOS keyboard alternative on the App Store for a while, allowing user to export text for other services, comprising Facebook and Twitter. Moreover the organization ameliorated its sincere presence across iOS by duly evolving the Fleksy SDK to all expedient third-party services, resulting for any aspirant developer could utilize their apt keyboard within their app.
The above Fleksy for iOS 8 review from appsread is unilaterally applauded by the global app users. This Fleksy for iOS 8 is wholly assuaged by the global app market users. With respect to Appsread they are actively ranked as the top apps review site focusing on Web App Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Game Reviews.