Tictail for iOS


If global users adore nothing more than shopping for one-of-a-kind products from indie retailers, then the AppsRead review members are suggesting about the new app for iOS called Tictail. The Swedish e-commerce startup way back in February had launched successfully in the States for an economy of budget. Tictail for iOS professionally sells itself, so to acclaim as a simple DIY solution for online stores. They are not of course not a retailer itself but more kind of a Tumblr of e-commerce which has been efficaciously described, promptly delivering an easy-to-use platform for building quality virtual stores.

According to AppsRead directory it is regarded as the launch of their first dedicated mobile app, Tictail is cherishing as a slightly different acumen approach. It is rather targeting on the global consumer market itself. They are ameliorated and widely aggregate its global customers under one roof, permitting user to search for and actively buy from a collection of boutiques and other international brands.


The Tictail for iOS app expediently features a hand-picked category of cogent products, exhibiting male/female targeted attire, vital accessories, luxurious jewelry, exclusive furniture and much more. The global user could easily tap relevant category, easily swipe horizontally through the retailers therein, and gently tap ‘Like’ to save your adorable top items to your timeline profile. Meanwhile Tictail would highly recommend things that would be approve of, based on the quality international brands you follow and items you’ve adored.

All the cogent items have qualitatively localized pricing too, which is enormously assisting for making this concept scale universally. And cloud on nine the global users would feel after viewing price you view, is the price you pay where shipping is added.

The above Tictail for iOS review from AppsRead is peerless and lauds by the global app users. This Tictail for iOS app is wholly assuaged by the global app market users. With regard to AppsRead they are seemingly ranked as the top apps review site focusing on Web App Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Game Reviews. Eventually, the AppsRead review site firmly recommends Tictail for iOS for sake of global app users.

