Dropbox for iOS
|The AppsRead directory which is widely coined as Top Ranked Apps Review Directory analyze about the latest iPhone app called Dropbox. Dropbox for iOS is an efficacious way to sync cogent files across multiple devices specifically when those relevant devices are tablets and smart-phones. Yet there were some limitations to what global user could do on those popular mobile devices. But today according to AppsRead directory, few of those limitations have been deleted.
The familiar organization Dropbox has updated their iOS app with the capability to rename folders, files and move files efficiently. The user could find new ‘more actions’ button illustrated by three dots which cinch appears next to the sharing button while user are expediently previewing a file. From that drop-down the4 global user could rename or move a file in persuasive manner. It is also possible to rename folders by swiping right on the target folder in the cogent list view and simply tapping the relevant rename icon.
In the newly updated Dropbox for iOS new toolbar quietly disappears and reappears as global user requirement leaving quality screen space for a full view into your trailblazing photos or very vital files. The global user could easily tap once anywhere within your cogent photo or valid file to effectively toggle between the toolbar and full screen. While user viewing Microsoft Office files, you’ll view an effective edit icon in the toolbar for opening and editing your docs right from the vivid Office apps.
The above Dropbox for iOS review from AppsRead directory is simply getting numerous appreciations by the global app users. This Dropbox for iOS app is wholly assuaged by the passionate universal app users. With respect to AppsRead directory they are warmly respected as the Top Ranked Apps Review Directory which is closely analyzing on various iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Game Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Thus finally top apps review site AppsRead directory suggests this Dropbox for iOS in benefit of global users.