Qik for iOS
|The latest news and update about Skype was announced from popular top ranked apps review directory AppsRead. The beneficial news was about Skype’s video messaging app Qik got an update which made global users to archive their best messaging videos.
In today’s major effort that this updated was currently done for Android and Windows Phone. It is also confirmed from AppsRead directory that the latest version of Qik for iOS now permits global users to actively save videos to your phone after sharing them with close friends. In order to saving their trailblazing videos, user could just tap on them in the messaging timeline and select to save it on your vivid camera roll or you could post it to another interesting chat. It was also known that Skype conveyed of having a “holiday surprise” in the Qik for iOS app which cinch appear.
Qik for iOS helps to marvel free Skype to Skype video and voice calls as well as the global user actively able to send instant messages for friends and family around the globe. Qik for iOS makes messages now sync faster than before. The global user is able to tap the new recent icon or press the back button while in a chat for returning to the recent list. It is also possible to remove individual chat messages and vivid photos or clear the relevant chat history from your cogent device. The apps are ameliorated for groups which vividly set group pictures and progressively save groups as favorites.
The above Qik for iOS review from AppsRead directory is sincerely venerated by the app users. With respect to AppsRead directory they are effectually known as the Top Ranked Apps Review Directory which is focusing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. This Qik for iOS app is wholly assuaged by the app users. In final evaluation the famous top apps review site AppsRead directory sincerely suggests this Qik for iOS app in sake of global users.