FullContact for iOS


In day to day acumen mobile app development technology the passionate global users are much zeal to know about latest news on any unique app inventions. On such scenario the AppsRead Directory professionally enumerates about the new Android namely FullContact.

This FullContact for iOS app marveled to keep Gmail users’ iPhone’s contacts in sync and up-to-date. It is believed it’s a rework of the old Cobook app which the popular organization acquired a year ago.

FullContact is a Web-only service which expediently connects to your Gmail and social media accounts. It later tidies them up by simply merging duplicates, actively adding photos and the cogent likes. Apart from this the global user could get an existing business card reader app for iOS and Android to instantly obtaining your new contacts saved. The latest iOS app provides all these beneficial features in one place on your phone.


The most interesting thing about this latest app is that it would just go ahead and progressively sort them out by effectively combining data from popular Google, familiar Facebook, renowned Twitter, fascinating Instagram, cogent AngelList and others with your existing standard data to marvel an exclusive unified record. It is said that all the data is expediently synced with FullContact’s Web-based service and your valid Gmail address book. The efficacious business card scanning service from FullContact’s iOS app is also here too for sake of global users. FullContact for iOS is much appreciated from all corners of global users and quiet assuaged with this app.

The above FullContact for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is largely benefited by app users. This Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously studying on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Eventually the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this FullContact for iOS app in benefit of global users. 


