LifeBox for iOS
|It is proven theory that there are several mobile apps introduced on daily basis by acumen app developers so eventually the global users could experience lot of apps in the AppStores. With persuasive changes of technology every global users purchase their beneficial app through app review directories. In one of the review from AppsRead Directory they enumerate about the most popular iPhone app called LifeBox.
This latest iOS app namely LifeBox has been marveled by Daisuke Sonobe. LifeBox for iOS is a fun application comprising of multi-colored boxes which might seem to be empty from outside but have various extravaganza happening inside. When passionate global users tap a box, instantly a stick figure comes alive. It is proven that how boring would be when puppets actually don’t have an identity of their own. They are specially identified by the fingers of the person who efficaciously controls them.
LifeBox for iOS is kind of a similar exclusive situation which illustrates their funny side. Each expedient stick figure has a definite story to convey but not by words but shown with actions. The global user could work with these lively boxes in whichever way you like. It is possible in moving them to another location, include more of them to the screen, actively delete them and also there are several combinations global user end up with a unique result each time.
LifeBox for iOS app won’t disappoint global users and kept assuaged. There are four lucrative colors for each box and user could even capture some stills of these action-heroes. It is also possible to utilize them as the lucrative background images of your iPhone with lot more style. The app is quiet compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and generally requires iOS 7.0 or any later version of the OS. It is also expediently optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
This Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is analyzing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. The above LifeBox for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is well venerated by users. In conclusion the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this LifeBox for iOS app in sake of global users.