Chhirp for iOS


In the latest development of mobile app technology the exclusive excitement around live streaming apps like Meerkat and Periscope has virtually piqued extensive interest as to the probability of latest interaction on social media. According to AppsRead Directory the global users could to check out Chhirp for iOS, which professionally allows user to send short voice clips directly to twitter.

This app has been successfully released just a few days ago, which cinch allows user to record up to 12 seconds of audio and share it straight from your phone. It is said that the global users could then listen to the clip on Chhirp for iOS, Twitter or via the Web. Moreover there’s also support for Twitter Cards, so Chhirp for iOS could be played back in your timeline too. Interestingly your Chhirps could expediently play on a loop too, just like a Vine. In fact, it’s just like typical Vine, but for audio only. The app is completely assuaged by global users.


The AppsRead Directory confirms that the app seems to work exactly as described. They also wish to view the choice to delete Chhirps. It would be interested to view if it captures the same sort of imagination and attention as its video live streaming counterparts. There are some people who are already utilizing it for little audio comedy clips, and could professionally imagine the appeal of sending a Chhirp in response to a tweet when 140 characters just not enough.

The above Chhirp for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is for app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. In final analysis the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Chhirp for iOS app in benefit of global users.

