Homescreen for iOS
|In a latest development in mobile app technology the reputed top ranked apps review directory namely AppsRead Directory is enumerating about the latest iPhone app called Homescreen. Homescreen for iOS, the app which professionally permits global user to share what apps you’ve got installed with friends. This latest app has received a beneficial update which makes it simpler to discover new apps and icon layouts.
This popular update from Homescreen for iOS professionally introduces a new mode where global users could endlessly scroll through other people’s home screens to expediently search out what apps they’re utilizing. It’s a totally fun way to discover new apps which actually doesn’t involve trawling through the App Store markets. It is known fact that earlier the only way to see other people’s shared home screens was via through the web interface.
The global users could share other people’s home screens to Twitter and instantly install each app on their Homescreen for iOS just by tapping on the listing. This app is wholly assuaged by global app users.
The regular app users predominantly check out few of the quality mobile apps review directory sites in order to attain knowledge which app would best suit for them. By regularly searching out mobile apps review directory it is cinch found that there are millions of users visiting these 5 Top Apps Review Directory sites namely as AppsRead, The Apps Review, App Tag it, Apps Review Rank and Tamilmediatime.
The above Homescreen for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is for international passionate users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. In final analysis the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Homescreen for iOS app in benefit of global users.