Natural Atlas for Web
|Every global app users who are enthusiast of traveling, then you should take a look at Natural Atlas. Natural Atlas for Web was successfully launched where the site provides highly detailed maps that point out trails, campsites and water bodies off the beaten path in the United States.
Natural Atlas for Web is built using OpenStreetMap which cinch already lists more than a million natural beneficial features and outdoor facilities across the Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. The maps also efficaciously feature contour lines, quality tree cover and symbols to depict the exact topography which expediently features across the regions they cover.
The users could log and peruse maps to find 250 several kinds of natural features. You could click on any of them to view user-submitted photos and additional details. Each beneficial feature’s page could also be edited by anyone.
Once if global app users scoped out a few locations to explore, users could either generate PDFs of your mapped area to print at home or export the data to your GPS device a wide range of Garmin’s models, comprising the Alpha and the bike-friendly Edge 800 are efficaciously supported.
Natural Atlas for Web also conveys that it would expand to states outside the Greater Yellowstone Region shortly and the whole continental United States would be visible on their maps before the end of the summer.
It would also add trail networks for popular National Forests and reputed National Parks, map notes for users to mark their favorite spots and real-time data like a stream’s flow rate for familiar kayaking.
The above Natural Atlas for Web review from AppsRead Directory is for app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Eventually the top ranked apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Natural Atlas for Web app in benefit of global users.