Line Launcher for Android
|The latest Press Release from AppsRead enumerate that popular messaging service Line has successfully released an Android launcher which takes over your home screen with exclusive custom themes, icons, wallpaper and widgets.
This eminent Line Launcher for Android professionally comprises wide range of content based on the messaging app’s familiar characters. It expediently builds on Line Deco, a collection of wallpapers, icons and themes to dress up your relevant device.
The reputed firm conveys that there are over 3,000 free options to select from, while the users could mix and match wallpapers, icon packs and other graphic elements to suit users favorite style. Line Launcher also professionally comprise beneficial features like a detailed battery power monitor and a one-tap boost that wholly frees memory by killing running apps. It also has a search engine which allows user to sift through Web content, installed apps and contacts all at once with an efficacious app update tool.
Line Launcher for Android launcher supports stickers which users could place on any of your home screens and utilize as custom shortcuts to apps or URLs. If global app users wish to quickly change up the look of your respective device, the users could effectively either download or install a whole new lucrative theme in seconds. You could also tap the Shuffle icon for setting new wallpaper instantly. They also provide quality functions power users and fans of Nova Launcher would really enjoy.
The Line Launcher for Android review from AppsRead apps review site is dedicated for global app users. The Top Apps Review Site is efficaciously publishing on Android app reviews, iPhone/ iOS / iPad app reviews, Web app reviews, Game reviews, Gadgets reviews, Android apps press release and Android newswire. Eventually the AppsRead apps review site suggests Line Launcher for Android app in benefit of global users.