Who is Happy for iOS
|Among many mobile app discoveries this popular Who is Happy for iOS stands out among global app users. This app comes under iOS and Android app for stoners that professionally permit them to share the approximate location and time of where they smoked a joint. Recently they also added a new beneficial feature that enumerates the location of marijuana dispensaries and other details.
With the rise of many mobile apps catering to tokers, Who Is Happy does completely assuage global app users. The international users would at least be able to view dispensaries, headshops and doctors specialized in cannabis on a map. Each is specially denoted with a pin, and attains 10 percent bigger ever time you check in.
More over to the location data, there’s also a new sticker feature, presumably beneficial for all global app users. It is the preferable medium of communication if you’re stoned. Who is Happy for iOS is a geo location social network developed for cannabis consumers share their happiness around the globe.
With Who is Happy the international app users are able to explore happiness in a different way, by visualizing on the map users consuming cannabis around you or any place in the globe. Also if global app users like stats, users could get details about your own happiness, monitor countries happiness statistics and professionally check the happy countries rank. Moreover it is revealed that users profile is invisible to others, and your check ins are exhibited by green smoke within a radius of 1 kilometer on the map, turning impossible to know who you are and/or precise your relevant location.
The above Who is Happy for iOS review from AppsRead site is enumerated for global app users. The Top Apps Review Site is efficaciously publishing on Android App Reviews , iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Press Release, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews ,Android Apps Press Release, Android Newswire and Web App Reviews. Eventually the Press Release from AppsRead adeptly suggests this Who is Happy for iOS app in benefit of global app users.