pcTattletale Parenting
|In this digital world many parents don’t realize that there is a very dangerous side to the Internet. From sexual predators chatting to your kids, free blogs sharing child pornography and millions of free online adult sites, your children are being completely exposed to content that can affect them for the rest of their lives. In order to ensure that your child is safe from the dangers on the internet the pcTattletale Parenting app is quality tool for Responsible Parenting. With the help of this app as a parent you can ensure your Child’s Safety Online.
Moreover the pcTattletale activity recorder is professionally designed to monitor Smartphones, Tablets & Computers. In addition it works on all devices. pcTattletale makes it very simple for parents to supervise everything their kids are doing online. It is also noted that parents can access and review recordings, remotely, from any Computer, Smartphone or Tablet.
Major highlights of pcTattletale Parenting
Option of Video Playback
- pcTattletale creates a video, which allows you to view an entire day of activity in minutes.
- It graphs activity levels so you can see the most active times—at a glance.
- LIVE mode even permits you to see what they are doing right now.
Feature of Recordings
pcTattletale automatically records:
- All E-mail—in and outbound mail
- All Chat sessions
- All Instant Messages
- Every Web site visited
- Social networks and videos too, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pintrest, Snapchat and more.
You can find out now if your child is
- Being Cyberbullied?
- Playing Too Many Video Games?
- Watching Bad Videos?
- Secret Pictures?
- Who’s Chatting?
- Who are they emailing?
- Secret Social Profiles?
Discreet Nature
- pcTattletale is discreet.
- It doesn’t show up in the Start menu or Control Panel.
- They will never even know it’s there.
Easy to Install
- It is easy to install and get working.
- Even for people with little computer experience.
- Now you can finally know everything they are doing online.
Multiple Devices
- Many times, a child may have a Smartphone, a Tablet and even a laptop Computer.
- More than one child—even more devices.
- pcTattletale makes it simple to monitor all of their devices, all of the time.
- See their Windows computer activity from any device.
It is guided that you will need to put the pcTattletale software on the computer you like to monitor. Even the teachers and employers have found pcTattletale to be an indispensable tool to supervise classrooms and employee activity levels.
Educating about Internet Safety
Generally monitoring your child’s online activity is a great way to become aware of exposure to online risks. If you see something that concerns you, it is golden opportunity to open a dialog with your child about the importance of protecting themselves online, allowing them know why you don’t want them visiting certain sites and explaining what kind of behaviour is appropriate on social networks. Since you can’t always look over their shoulder, pcTattletale helps you keep an eye on your child, students or employees.
pcTattletale Parenting is a special app where users will be coming back over again, and we highly suggest it for anyone who needs a perfect Child monitoring parental app with several features.