Matchy Moods
|Matchy Moods app is good clean fun. You can tap on blank tiles to reveal the mood hidden within, and try to memorize and match them all before the time expires. The game comprises 40 levels that become more difficult as you progress
Love how the game is played and the music is nice. In fact, the cuteness level sometimes hits record levels, so for your safety please keep a positive attitude while playing. Thank you for understanding and wish you a happy journey!
Key Features of Matchy Moods
- Matchy Moods is a premium game, it does not contain ads or any in-app purchases. Buy it once and enjoy it forever.
- Easy-easy to learn
- Gets more challenging as you progress through levels
- Haptic Feedback
- 35+ exciting levels
- Beautiful graphics, animations and colour palette
- Optimised for all devices and looks gorgeous on the latest iPads & iPhones
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This app is so much different on the App Store, which is always refreshing to experience these days. The graphics are attractive and the controls are simple enough for anyone to learn on the go.
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