Nice to Meet
|Nice to Meet app is an indispensable tool for those who constantly meet new people at trade shows and work-related events. In addition whenever you want to connect with someone, hand over your iPhone and permit them to enter their name and email address.
The users will then be able to schedule a follow-up email that will be sent automatically on the day of your choice. You can access settings to change the default email message to something more personal. The app also comprises the ability to manage all new contacts and share your own contact details with a personalized card. More over this app of Nice to Meet only supports Gmail.
Key Features of Nice to Meet
- Easily add peoples contact information
- Quickly schedule a follow up email
- Share your contact information with a personalized card
- Manage all your new connections
- Globally change your default message settings
The above Nice to Meet reviews from best apps review sites namely AppsRead is dedicated towards users. One persuasive fact that the global users would actively discover from this apps review websites namely AppsRead is how simple it is to search out popular mobile apps. They are also qualitative for App Downloads and App Installs for benefit of developers.
This app is so much different on the App Store, which is always refreshing to experience these days. The graphics are adeptly attractive and the controls are simple enough for anyone to learn on the go.
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