|This popular SkySafari app is like having a planetarium in your pocket. The users are able to gaze at 120,000 stars, 200 star clusters, all major planets and moons, and dozens of asteroids, comets, and satellites. You can also move around the sky with a swipe or by moving your hands through the air.
You can tap on celestial objects to choose them and view more detailed info. You’re also able to search for objects by name, jump up to 100 years into the past or future, and view animated meteor showers.
It is possible to simply hold your device to the sky and quickly locate planets, constellations, satellites, and millions of stars and deep sky objects. You can use Augmented Reality (AR) mode to blend a simulated sky chart with a real view of your surroundings.
Key Features of SkySafari
- Redesigned toolbar with ability to hide
- Configurable font sizes
- Better control of magnitude limits
- Improved databases
- Better updating of Comets and Asteroids
- Better Moon display when zoomed out
The above SkySafari reviews from best apps review sites namely AppsRead is dedicated towards users. One persuasive fact that the global users would actively discover from this apps review websites namely AppsRead is how simple it is to search out popular mobile apps. They are also expedient for App Downloads and App Installs for benefit of developers.
This app is so much different on the App Store, which is always refreshing to experience these days. The graphics are adeptly attractive and the controls are simple enough for anyone to learn on the go.
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