|People happened to come across and stumble upon HOWZIT app developed by MithrAI Inc while doing their weekly roundup of the popular Play Store apps. They were highly intrigued with HOWZIT since it looked like a special something set it apart from the others. For the developer’s successful release on the Play Store, we trust that they did efficacious job with important features for benefit of global users.
Important Features of HOWZIT
HOWZIT AI Emotion Detection -text that professionally conveys
With the power of AI, emotions in the texts are conveyed automatically with a change of color and fonts to describe your emotions. It is the only AI-powered messenger with “Emotional intelligence” to convey what you feel.
HOWZIT Manual Emotion – Your Choice
You want to convey your emotions in texts only when needed? We give the users the choice to select manual mode so that he can control when to convey his emotions.
HOWZIT Privacy – Your Mobile, Your Data
They have successfully implemented our AI auto emotion algorithm to run on your devices seamlessly with no need to process data on our servers.
HOWZIT Public Chats – Connecting People, Connecting Emotions.
Are you Feeling Bored?
You can enjoy Chatting on random topics to anonymous friends using HowzIt Public Groups. It is possible to search any group by topic or location and also can view a list of trending groups to join. Your identity will remain a secret by using nicknames and you can post any questions or voice your opinions on trending topics.
Develop a Vibrant Community – #Hashtag Public Groups
Create an open group of your liking using hashtags. Let new friends with common interest search using location and hashtags. Enjoying public group chats.
Invite To Groups – Invite with Ease
Feel free to invite your friends to the group of your choice and join them in the fun.
Online Users Check – No Commitments Needed
You can now view the number of users online in any group, join that group, chat and exit the group with no commitments. Get the best social experiences with no wait.
Multiple Profile Pictures – Auto Switch
- You can select 7 display pictures, save it and it auto switches everyday.
Media – Fun Sharing
- Send or forward images, location or contacts to keep the peer or group chats interactive.
Swipe to Reply – Easy Reply
- Swipe to reply to texts easily anywhere in chats.
If you’re an ardent fan of AI-powered messenger apps in general, then HOWZIT app developed by MithrAI Inc is one that you must check out this on holiday. Once you get the hang of unique things, the app is wholly beneficial one.