|Tango is a couples finance app that allows you and your partner to see all of your accounts and balances in one place, communicate about finances more effectively, and work together to ensure your financial future is as bright as possible. View all accounts, communicate, and collaborate for a prosperous financial future.
Check out all of your accounts and balances in one location. Tango allows you to link all of your bank accounts and credit cards in order to see your entire individual and shared financial picture in one place. You can also mark each account as personal or joint so you know what you and your partner have.
This is particularly helpful for married couples who have multiple accounts or keep some of their finances separate. Tango allows you to see everything at a glance, making it simple to track your spending and make informed financial decisions with your partner.
To start a healthy conversation about your money, use emojis to comment, ask questions, and react to transactions. Tango makes it simple to discuss finances with your partner. To obtain more information, you can comment on transactions, ask questions, and respond with emojis. This is a lighthearted and entertaining way to stay on track with your spending and financial goals.
Talking about money can be difficult for some couples, but Tango makes it simple to begin. You can learn more about your partner’s financial habits and begin to develop a shared financial plan by being able to comment on transactions and ask questions.
When it comes to money, get everyone on the same page.
Tango will assist you and your partner in staying organised with your finances. We allow couples to save topics to discuss later in the app so they can have money conversations at a time that works for both of them.
This is especially useful for couples who are both busy and have opposing schedules. Tango allows you to save topics for later discussion, so you don’t have to rush through a financial discussion when you don’t have time.
Designed for modern couples
Tango understands that the relationship between money and love is evolving. More than ever before, couples keep at least some of their finances separate. Tango helps you see your accounts clearly, whether you and your partner have all of your finances separate, some separate and some together, or everything combined.
Tango Is The Ideal Finance App For Couples Looking To:
- Access all of their accounts and balances in one location.
- Improve your financial communication skills.
- Work together to keep track of their financial to-dos.
- Create a solid financial future together.
- Get Tango today to improve the way you and your partner manage money!
Here are some more Tango tips to help you improve your financial communication with your partner:
Agree on financial objectives
You can begin to set financial goals together once you have a good understanding of your financial situation. Saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or retiring early are all examples of this.
Work together to develop a budget
A budget is an excellent way to keep track of your spending and ensure that you are on track to meet your financial objectives. Tango makes it simple to create a budget and track the spending.
Final Words
Tango is intended for couples who want to manage their finances together, regardless of how they do it. Tango allows you to view all of your accounts in one place, even if they are held at various financial institutions. This makes it simple to track your spending and ensure that you are all on the same financial page.